Monday, 16 December 2013

Modeling Canonical Data with ArchiMate

Almost all large organisations have many applications which were developed based on different data models and data definitions, yet they all need to share data. So the basic idea of a canonical data model is “let’s use a common language when exchanging information between systems.” So, if system A wants to send data to system B, it translates the data into an agreed-upon standard syntax (canonical format) without regard to the data structures, syntax or protocol of system B.  When B receives the data, it translates the canonical format into its internal format and everything is good.
The benefit of this approach is that system A and B are now decoupled; if A needs to be upgraded, enhanced or replaced, as long as it continues to reformat the data for external systems into canonical form, then B or any other system is not impacted. Simple and elegant!  Under this approach, organisations with hundreds of application systems can now happily upgrade and enhance individual systems without the complexity (and cost/risk) of coordinating the analysis, design and testing with all the other systems.
However, there is a catch.  While A and B are no longer coupled to each other, they are now coupled to the canonical physical format.  So now if the canonical model changes, every single system that uses it to send or receive information is potentially impacted.The results endless analysis and discussions among business analyst, architects and designers of any proposed change to the canonical model.
The complexity of data Governance is often avoided by creating  "quick and dirty" service implementations, which focus only on the requirements at hand so as to speed up implementation. Over time, these services create increasingly reductant services and restricts the flexibility and extensibility of the overall SOA.
One symptom of this approach is revealed by the inspection of the data structures being exposed through service messages. If there are many services exposing arbitrary variations of the same business information, or many instances of data mapping running in the enterprise service bus (ESB) and business processes, then it is likely that a simpler and more reusable solution could have been developed. Left unchecked, this approach can lead to a solution so complex that all the benefits of the SOA approach are lost.
A good place to look for possible candidates for the CDM is the Information Structure Viewpoint and Application co-operation viewpoint in ArchiMate model.

A structure like this would indicate possibility of a redundant information in both the customer model.

A target Information model for this could be to have a specialised representation of customer as shown. However it is not evident from this model that customer object is a part of the Canonical data model. We can use group to explicitly  state this fact as shown in the next model.
The customer object is now a part of a group is represents a set of  canonical data objects

Note that canonical data model is often achieved though Enterprise service bus patterns. We do not model the ESB patterns in the above diagram. This model merely points to the presence of a CDM  and not how its implemented.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Starting with ArchiMate -2

In Starting with ArchiMate -1 we had a overview of the the ArchiMate meta models. In this section we discuss the possible relations between the components.
Here is a list of relations in ArchiMate.

All relations have a direction, except Association which is bidirectional (Assignment was also bidirectional in ArchiMate 1.0).
ArchiMate, also offers a mechanism to create ‘shortcuts’ called ‘derived structural relations’. The derived relation between two objects is the weakest relation found on the route

Thursday, 5 December 2013

ArchiMate 2.1 released

ArchiMate 2.1 has been released.

Apart from the editorial corrections the major change is change of classification of the concepts within the Business , Application and Technology layers.
In ArchiMate 2.0 the core concepts section describes three types of elements :-active structure elements, behavioral elements and passive structure.

However, within the the layers the concepts are categorized as 

  • Structural Concepts
    • active entities
    • passive entities
  • Behavioral Concepts
  • Informational Concepts

This was inconsistent with the core concepts. Also the at times it is ambiguous whether an entity is a passive structure or information as both do not invoke behavior (as active entity) or are themselves a behavior.
This has been fixed in 2.1 release and the new classification within the layers stand as

  • Active Structure Concepts
  • Behavioral Concepts
  • Passive Structure Concepts
Impact on your existing models:
All references to business objects and data objects which may be categorized as Structural objects in the metadata of the element must be changed to Passive Structure Object. The Information Object category itself should be renamed to Passive Structure objects.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Starting with ArchiMate -1

In this blog I would start sharing my experiences and leanings in Enterprise architecture. In my fist blog about EA I would discuss the basic of modeling Enterprise architecture using ArchiMate.

ArchiMate, an Open Group Standard, is an open and independent modelling language for enterprise architecture. Just as any modeling standards  purpose of a enterprise architecture modeling standards is to reduce the ambiguities that occur in natural-language descriptions and ArchiMate is a decent language for  that. ArchiMate, with its business layer, application layer and technical layer helps us to model the different aspects of IT Architecture It great way to illustrate high-level couplings of business processes, people (as roles), applications, data and infrastructure in an organization.

Features :-

• A language for describing Architecture

• Framework describes the business layer,application layer and Technology Layer
- With relations between the layers
• Graphical language with formal semantics
• Techniques for Visualization and Analysis for various stakeholders
• Open standard maintained by The Open Group

There are three core layers in ArchiMate:

1. The business layer models the products and services offered to both internal and external customers, which are realized in the 
organization by business functions and processes, performed by business actors. It also represents the business objects utilized by people and processes.

2. The application layer models the applications and software services, which support the business layer.

3. The technology layer models the infrastructure services, which are required to run the applications, realized by communication 
hardware and system software.

Also, the core layers consist of three types of elements, which are:

• objects that act (active objects)

• objects that represent the behavior of those ‘objects that act’ (behavioral objects)
• objects that cannot act and which are acted upon by that behavior (passive objects)

Here are the core ArchiMate artifacts

Active Structural Entities

A business actor is an organisational entity that is capable of performing behaviour

A business role is an entity responsible for performing specific behaviour

A business collaboration is an aggregate of two or more business roles, which work together to perform a collective behaviour

Behaviour Entities

A business process groups behaviour based on an ordering of activities, intended to produce a defined set of outcomes, i.e., products and services

A business event is something that happens (internally or externally) and influences a behaviour

A business interaction describes the behaviour of a business collaboration

Passive Entities

A business object is a passive element, which has relevance from a business perspective

Informational Entities

A representation is defined as a perceptible form of the information carried by a business object

Active Structural Entities

An application component is a modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a software system that encapsulates its behaviour and data, and exposes these through a set of interfaces

An application collaboration is an aggregate of two or more application components that work together to perform collective behaviour

Behaviour Entities

An application function groups automated behaviour that can be performed by an application component

An application service exposes an automated behaviour of an application

Passive Entities

A data object is suitable for automated processing

Structural Entities

A node is a computational resource upon which artifacts may be stored or deployed for execution

A device is a hardware resource upon which artifacts may be stored or deployed for execution

An artifact is a physical piece of data that is used or produced in a software development process, or by deployment and operation of a system

In the next section we discuss about modeling  relationship and  derived relationship.